
Hammer mill


The Hammer Mill at Dobřív is a unique technical monument that commemorates the 500-year-old tradition of iron processing in this area. It is the largest manufacturing hammer mill in the Czech Republic, and it is still in operation today.

The mill was built in the early 16th century by the Lobkowicz family. It was used to forge pig iron into bar blanks, which were then used to make a variety of iron products, such as nails, tools, and weapons.

The mill was powered by a waterwheel, which drove a series of hammers that pounded the iron into shape. The mill was also equipped with a bellows, which was used to heat the iron.

The Hammer Mill at Dobřív was in operation until the early 20th century. It was then abandoned and fell into disrepair. However, the mill was restored in the 1990s, and it is now a popular tourist destination.